Drug Policy for the Future

Matej Kosïr

Matej Košir is the Director of the Institute for Research and Development »Utrip« (UTRIP) (www.institut-utrip.si). He’s been working in prevention and advocacy in the field of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs for around 25 years.

In Slovenia, he has been leading the network »Preventive Platform« (www.preventivna-platforma.si) for more than 10 years, in which over 40 mostly NGOs and local governments actively participate or support.

Since 2006, he has been involved in more than 30 European projects in the fields of health, justice, education, youth and research as a project or work package leader. He is the co-author and co-developer of the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC), published by the EMCDDA in September 2019, and the contributor to the second updated edition of the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention, issued in 2018 by the UNODC and WHO. In 2017, the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) has awarded him with »Leading European Prevention Science Practitioner Honour« at the 4th EUSPR conference in Vienna (Austria).

In 2020, the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) has awarded him and his wife (Sanela Talić) with »International Collaborative Prevention Research Award«. He is a PhD candidate in Preventive Science at the University of Zagreb (Croatia), the President of the International Confederation of Research Associations in the field of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ICARA) and the Chairperson of the Vienna NGO Committee (VNGOC) on Drugs.

In 2021 he was an independent consultant of the CICAD/OAS with a mission to develop and implement a training of prevention workforce in Brazil (ISSUP National Chapter Brazil).